Candle Care: The Art of Keeping Your Wicks Witty and Wax Wonderful

Hey there, candle connoisseur! So, you've brought home one of our hilarious Nonscents candles, and now you want to make sure it stays as punny and perfect as the day it arrived. Fear not, fellow fragrance lover! We've got some top-notch tips for keeping your candles in tip-top shape.

Just follow these simple steps to ensure your candles burn brightly and your humorous scents last as long as possible.

  1. The First Burn: Patience is a Virtue (and a Longer-Lasting Candle)
    When lighting your Nonscents candle for the first time, let it burn until the entire surface turns into a pool of liquid wax. This can take up to 3-4 hours, so sit back, relax, and enjoy your candle's amusing aroma. This first burn helps prevent tunneling and extends the life of your candle.
  2. Trim the Wick, Not the Humor
    Before each use, trim your candle's wick to about 1/4 inch. This keeps the flame at the right size for optimal burning and prevents any soot from crashing the party. Remember, a tidy wick is a happy wick!
  3. Keep It Steady and Away from Drafts
    Place your candle on a stable, heat-resistant surface and away from any drafts or air currents. We want the flame to dance, not do the cha-cha in a hurricane. This ensures an even burn and a safer environment.
  4. Burn Responsibly, Laugh Unapologetically
    Never leave your burning candle unattended or within reach of children, pets, or overly-curious houseplants. While our candles are all about fun, safety always comes first.
  5. Don't Burn It to the Ground
    As tempting as it may be to savor every last bit of your Nonscents candle, avoid burning it past the final 1/2 inch of wax. We know it's hard to say goodbye, but it's time to move on to your next scent-sational adventure.
  6. Keep Your Candle Clean and Punny
    To maintain your candle's delightful appearance, gently clean the jar with a damp cloth to remove any dust or wax residue. A spotless candle is a beautiful candle.

Now that you're a candle care pro, go forth and enjoy your Nonscents candles to the fullest. May your wicks stay witty, your wax stay wonderful, and your home be filled with laughter and fantastic fragrances. Happy burning!

The Nonscents Team